What is a Rebel?
rebel (reb'l) n.
a person who
dissents from some accepted moral code or
convention of behavior People
typically think of rebels as those who don't follow the
rules. I like to think of Rebels as creative people who
think different than others. They are active thinkers and
passionate in what they believe in. Are you a Rebel? |
Trivia and Cool Stuff
Rebels Trivia: Did you know that the Oscar-winning classic film "The Sound of Music" was also titled "The Rebel Novice Nun" (in Mexico)? Biographies of Famous People (lots of Rebels!) "My Hero" website |
Give me an R! Give me an E! Give me a B! Give me an E! Give me an L! Give me an S! What does that spell? REBELS! Who are we? REBELS!! What are we? REBELS!!! |